Lifestyle Neuheiden in Dezember

We try before you buy

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Jeden Monat buys a new product in the most popular Lifestyle market with an unbranded brand name. If the Kaufentscheidung does not last so long, exciting new messages and messages from unserfahrungen are tested.

Whether it’s warm cushions, a lighter shoe or period tights – our editors: we’re testing this month during the lifestyle product world. If you want, if the Anschaffung lohnt, we recruit here a Blick on exciting Neuerscheinungen.

Körnercushion der Gegenwart

Did Mareike end his favorite pillow with a modern version?

© Thermrup / PR

Product: Mobiles Ferninfrarot-Wärmekissen für die Schultern von Thermrup

Price: 69.95 Euros

Nutzen: Spend up to four hours of warm weather at exercise freedom

Use: Load the battery, put it in the bag in the warming device and with the cable connections, empty it and use one of three warm warming products.

Fazit: Mein erster Gedanke: That’s light! When I get a kiss with my mother, it looks like a lighter Schul a man who leaves a Schultern. Pressing the button allows the temperature of the heat to increase, while the power and empfinde still do not last as long. Das Kissen is heating up. If the stufes of the work have a relatively short learning experience, it is no longer possible to think, but the idea that the Gürtel then does not even leave is about the Akku issue and the drawer that he hangs. If a man hangs up a cable and cable connection with his warm mobile phone, it is a matter of securing a push button. When it gets warm, the iron-infrared-rubber heat element comes together, because it’s all as good as bad as it goes.


The Lebkuchen Variant from Tony’s Chocolonely überzeugt Scepterin Julia.

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Product: Tony’s Chocolonely Vollmilch-Lebkuchen

Price: 4 Euros

Nutzen: Purer sex with gutem Gewissen

Application: Auspacken, abbrechen, schmecken welding.

Fazit: I tend to be skeptical at times. Often the Aromen may not enjoy the classics: Lebkuchen, Spekulatius and Dominosteine. But otherwise the Christmas chocolate from Tony’s Chocolonely is really good. The casing of the vollmilchschokolade does not have any form of lebkuchenstückchen that resemble a small Ingwer. A smaller moment of attention, that could happen. Give it a try.


Tampons, Binding and Co.? No, thanks! Editor Eva will no longer miss her period.

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Product: Period Unterwäsche from Snuggs

Price: approx. 40 Euro per night Modell

Nutzen: Thanks to the bequemen en saugstarken Period-Pantys muss ich während meiner Monatsblutung zmindest nicht more über rote Flecken auf der Hose nachdenken. The Snuggs model with the “Hugger” has started playing Tampons.

Application: One story and eight beautiful tragedies. The tights are normally used in the washing machine after a crop temperature of 40 degrees. It is best to see if you can wash in the water under the fabric or in the wash basins.

Fazit: If I live longer with Tampons, I would like to have a very good alternative – and I think there is no Fremdkörper in my tragedy. Period removal is the best solution for washing. Clearly, the man needs to invest in the tights at some point, but then he stops voicing the demand. Snuggs’ model is no longer up to date, but still looks out of place.

Yes, it is Kult!

When Kollegin Lara performs an Extra-Shot attack, it does.

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Product: Yakult Pfirsich

Price: approx. 3.80 Euro in 6er package

Nutzen: The cooking process is high and it is possible to remove the lacquer and baking bacteria in the intestine.

Application: Jeden Tomorrow a small Fläschchen trinken. Schmeckt is the best kühlt.

Fazit: I’ll be happy tomorrow on my Yakult. I love the Original Geschmack, my taste is a beautiful, fresh lifestyle.

Memories that can last

Susanne colleague receives an audio sticker with a personal gift.

© Ilja Gaus / PR

Product: Voicestories mini set, 4 audio stickers

Price: 12 Euros

Nutzen: Audio sticker for memories and stories

Application: A suitable sticker set is available with the individual QR code with this handy scan and an edit or a targeted display. And then there are no more stickers – on the postcard, in photo albums or in the favorite book and much more.

Fazit: Enjoy your Christmas time with your family photo calendar. Those little ones Sticker come to their senses. Ruck-zuck is a small anecdote from an Urlaubsschnapschuss recording and completes the photographic representation of those years. So if you do see a personal gift photo calendar in a package from the innerungen, nothing will be missed. There’s an idea you can use.

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